Subject: COPWRITE: V2.24 Police Report Author: RAD Software Uploaded By: RadSware Date: 1/5/2003 File: (1141347 bytes) Estimated Download Time (61366 baud): < 5 minutes Download Count: 119 Equipment: IBM/PC Needs: An UnZIPing program, Window 95 or later Keywords: RAD, Law Enforcement, Police, Public Safety, Inventory, Database, Crime, Narcotics, Drugs, Reports, Cases, Incidents, Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinME, WinNT, WinXP Type: Shareware New with this version: Maintenance release and enhanced features CopWrite is designed to help law enforcement agencies maintain `Incident Reports' on a personal computer. A detective/investigator can use it on his/her laptop or office desktop to maintain case files. Or, a police department/security agency would find that CopWrite is a great way of computerizing their case files. Instead of hand-written paper reports that are hand-filed, misfiled, and lost in endless filing cabinets (sound familiar?), CopWrite maintains case reports that are automatically electronically filed, never misfiled, and NEVER accidentally lost. Yet, these case files are easy to list, sub-list, update, and/or print. CopWrite can maintain up to 100,000 case files/reports. Each case file consists of a comprehensive `Cover Sheet' (who, what, when, where, etc.), a text notepad for narrative, statements, listings, etc., and much more. CopWrite lets you easily list all files, or certain files (based on search words, phrases, names, days, numbers, etc.), or find just one case file among many thousands almost instantly! Imagine the possibilities with intelligent searching: Find all case files that contain the nickname "Shifty". Or assemble a list of all burglary cases that contain the phrase "Micky's Pawn Shop". Or list all reports written by Officer Smith. Or review all Thefts from Autos in which CD-players were stolen. CopWrite lets you do this easily and instantly! A City Police Captain with over thirty years of law wrote CopWrite. He had enforcement experience and over fifteen years of programming experience. It is very easy to learn and use, yet also very powerful. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: RadSware To install, launch: SETUP COPWRITE.EXE To run, launch: COPWRITE.EXE, or run from its Windows program icon. Documentation: Help within the program. Downloads from previous version: 4867 JE Keywords: RAD, Law Enforcement, Police, Public Safety, Inventory, Database, Crime, Narcotics, Drugs, Reports, Cases, Incidents, Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinME, WinNT, WinXP Subject: COPWRITE: V2.24 Police Report New with this version: Maintenance release and enhanced features CopWrite is designed to help law enforcement agencies maintain `Incident Reports' on a personal computer. A detective/investigator can use it on his/her laptop or office desktop to maintain case files. Or, a police department/security agency would find that CopWrite is a great way of computerizing their case files. Instead of hand-written paper reports that are hand-filed, misfiled, and lost in endless filing cabinets (sound familiar?), CopWrite maintains case reports that are automatically electronically filed, never misfiled, and NEVER accidentally lost. Yet, these case files are easy to list, sub-list, update, and/or print. CopWrite can maintain up to 100,000 case files/reports. Each case file consists of a comprehensive `Cover Sheet' (who, what, when, where, etc.), a text notepad for narrative, statements, listings, etc., and much more. CopWrite lets you easily list all files, or certain files (based on search words, phrases, names, days, numbers, etc.), or find just one case file among many thousands almost instantly! Imagine the possibilities with intelligent searching: Find all case files that contain the nickname "Shifty". Or assemble a list of all burglary cases that contain the phrase "Micky's Pawn Shop". Or list all reports written by Officer Smith. Or review all Thefts from Autos in which CD-players were stolen. CopWrite lets you do this easily and instantly! A City Police Captain with over thirty years of law wrote CopWrite. He had enforcement experience and over fifteen years of programming experience. It is very easy to learn and use, yet also very powerful. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: RadSware To install, launch: SETUP COPWRITE.EXE To run, launch: COPWRITE.EXE, or run from its Windows program icon. Documentation: Help within the program. Downloads from previous version: 4867 JE